Our team provides training for human resource and management-level employees on how to maintain positive and productive employee relations. We train managers and supervisors on how to identify union organizing. In the event a union initiates an organizational drive, we work diligently with our client to formulate a strategy to respond to the issues raised in the campaign. We advise clients on carrying out the strategy with handouts, speeches, and information concerning the union and its impact on employees.
In addition, our team represents employers during collective bargaining negotiations. We help our clients identify and design proposals that meet their business objectives and assist in analyzing union proposals. In our role as chief negotiator, we have avoided strikes and successfully negotiated contracts that both met client objectives and provided harmony in the workplace.
Our lawyers also advise on the administration of collective bargaining agreements and the drafting of contract language to avoid unnecessary grievances. Once a grievance is filed, we have extensive experience in contract interpretation and discipline arbitrations. As a firm, our attorneys have successfully appeared in hundreds of labor arbitrations on behalf of management.
We have successfully represented clients before the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) and comparable state agencies when unions file unfair labor practice charges. Our attorneys investigate the charge, develop a strategy with the client to defend the charge, respond to the charge with a position statement or affidavits, and represent the client at any hearing. When our clients have exposure to an unfair labor practice, we have successfully negotiated with the NLRB and unions to minimize the appropriate relief provided for in the NLRB’s order.