Clark Hill Attorney Steve Shparber Published in Utility Dive
Clark Hill attorney Steve Shparber was recently published in Utility Dive. His article, “Capacity As A Commodity: A New (But Familiar) Way of Rethinking Capacity Markets for a Clean Energy Future,” covers how the energy industry is rapidly transforming to a much more decentralized model that relies more directly on renewable and storage technologies (sometimes referred to as "Variable Energy Resources" or "VERs") to keep the lights on. As part of that transformation, consumers and states are increasingly choosing specific sources of clean energy, such as offshore wind, solar, and energy storage. Industry and political pundits alike expect these trends to continue and even potentially accelerate — and a key question is whether electricity markets will keep pace.
This article was in collaboration with Michael Borgatti, vice president of RTO Services at Gabel Associates in Philadelphia.
Read the full article here.
Shparber is a Member of the Environment, Energy & Natural Resources group in the Washington, DC office. Steven provides strategic counsel to new participants in wholesale power markets and advocates for new market opportunities on behalf of independent power producers and national renewable energy trade groups.