Clark Hill Attorney Ann Lemmo Published in The Legal Intelligencer
According to research conducted by the American Bar Association’s Commission on Women in the Profession and the Minority Corporate Counsel Association, women lawyers, and especially women of color, are more likely than their male counterparts to be interrupted, to be mistaken for nonlawyers, perform more office housework and to have less access to prime job assignments. Ann Lemmo, associate in Clark Hill’s Philadelphia office, recently published a thought piece in The Legal Intelligencer titled, “The Importance of Female Mentorship,” which is part of the Tips for Lawyers on the Rise series.
In the article, Lemmo outlines the importance of young female lawyers having access to a sponsor to achieve success within her organization. While an ordinary mentor relationship provides guidance on practicing in the field, building a book of business, and handling clients, a women sponsorship includes guidance on the unspoken rules of the job such as navigating a field of only men, the correct appearance for the courtroom, and the many other roadblocks that a regular mentor/mentee relationship may lack. A sponsor is key because they are a teacher and an active advocate for the advancement of a young lawyer’s career.
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