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Please read the following before sending us an email. Thank you.

We appreciate your contacting us and we would like to hear from you. However, due to ethical rules applicable to lawyers, we cannot discuss specific legal issues with you or represent you until we know that doing so will not create a conflict of interest involving one of our existing clients. Accordingly, please do not send us any information about any matter that may involve you until you receive and return a written statement from us that we represent you (an engagement letter).

If you wish to initiate possible representation, the best way is to call one of our attorneys directly. You can review a list of our attorneys and their direct telephone numbers by clicking on “People” on our website.

After you contact us, we will explain to you our conflict-of-interest procedure and see that you are put in touch with the lawyer best suited to handle your matter. When you receive and sign an engagement letter from that lawyer, you will be our client, and we may then exchange information freely. We cannot guarantee the confidentiality or privilege of any information you give to us prior to execution of an engagement letter.

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Correspondence with our Dublin, Ireland office:

Contact us by phone: +1 800.949.3120

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